
Kindly can you tell me what the meaning of sotto vuoto and estatico


Domanda: Kindly can you tell me what the meaning of sotto vuoto and estatico

Hi, many Italians use sotto vuoto either to cook food etc , Is it something like a microwave ?
Another question please. When does it mean Forno estatico.?

Vicky Galea

Da ufesa, Inserito il 13/10/2013, 13:08

2 risposta (e)


Hi thanks for the information

Tanti saluti
V Galea

Da ufesa , at 14/10/2013, 07:46:49
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Hi Vicky :D
"Sottovuoto" is vacuum, vacuum-packed.
I don't know the exact word to translate "Forno statico". Really it's not type of oven but way to cook: modern ovens can cook with air that circulate around food (convention/fan oven) or not. "Forno statico is without air. I hope my explication is clear :)

Da unsoffiodipolveredicannella , at 13/10/2013, 21:54:36
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